- What's On

Come on fellas, what are you waiting for?

Back in Henley this Friday (Oct 14th), with another of their successful events is Date in the Diary but sssh they don’t give away the location to just anyone.

Date in the Diary are a lifestyle club just for singles – they host events and experiences for like minded singles in their 40s and 50s. Their emphasis isn’t on ‘dating’ or forced ’singles nights’, they just provide a friendly and relaxed environment that allows members to gain acquaintances, friends and maybe even a romantic partner and bond shared experiences.

This Friday they are hosting their Monthly drinks social at a lively and sophisticated bar in Henley. If you are interested to go and meet some of their members and see what they are all about, or want to have a chat and find out more please get in touch. Friday is almost full for ladies, so you may be out of luck for this event (but there are lots more socials & events scheduled) but gents – get yourselves there! This is back to meeting people like you used to – imagine going to a friends party, where you don’t know anyone but what do you know is that every single person in that room is single. Well this is it! Swiping? So 2021. This is the Friday night you have been waiting for!

Sometimes after a divorce or long term breakup, it’s hard to get back out there and find things to do that you enjoy and meet people in the same situation. Once people join – there’s no stopping them and they are growing organically with members telling friends, single parents at school and colleagues all about the fun they have been having. This is the secret to our success! Date in the Diary is all about living your very best single life, while you are still single!

Cheers to that!

To join this Fridays monthly social or join another of the many events and experiences Date in the Diary offer check out www.dateinthediary.com or email Lisa lisa@dateinthediary.com or simply connect through FB @ditdevents or Instagram @dateinthediary.
