Ahoy there Shipmates! Pizza Pirate Returns

Starting today (22nd May) Pizza Pirate returns to Mill Meadows riverbank in Henley-on-Thames. Ordering system via Facebook.
A message from the pizza weilding pirate himself:
🥁☠️🍕AHOY pizza fans! We’re back in Henley today ready to trial our new booking thingymajig. Please read on for how to acquire ye loot (pizza) and for the Pirate code to adhere to! The menu for this week is posted below along with the pricing and booking is now live, details on how to book below… crack on me hearties! This is the first time we’ve worked like this so please bear with us on day 1, arrrrrr thank you!
• We are providing a collection service from 5.00 to 8.30 pm at 15-minute intervals
• Minimum order is x2 pizzas and maximum order today is x4 pizzas (this is to ensure we can make the orders in time for the 15 minute time slots)
• All pizzas must be pre-ordered via the ‘Book Now’ button on this Facebook page
• Time slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis
• Booking will be available up to 3pm on the day of orders to enable us to prepare orders.
• Check the menu to see which pizzas are available this weekend
• Click on the ‘Book Now’ button on this page and select the date and time slot (Fri 22nd or Sat 23rd May) then select Pirate Pizza loot-away service
• Add your pizza choices, amounts and anything important in the notes (e.g. x2 Jolly Roger, x1 Hearty)
• Click ‘Request Appointment’ and you will then receive a confirmation via Facebook messenger once we’ve received and checked the order
• We will be in touch to check any details and discuss payment – we can take payment over the phone in advance or by contactless payment – NO CASH sorry.
BOOK HERE: Pirate Pizza Facebook
• This is a takeaway service only
• Please park at Mill Meadows if driving, or walk along the towpath towards the bandstand area for collection
• Collection from a safe distance on the riverbank and ideally only one member of the family to collect pizzas please, this will help to enable us to adhere to social (pirate) distancing measures
• If there are people ahead of you, please be chilled and do the 2-metre distance thing to help us all – pretty please with rum on top
• Anybody not obeying the pirate code will be asked to walk the plank! Savvy? ☠️🍕🥁