A Christmas Song for Henley

A Christmas Song for Henley has been co-written by local resident and Henley Town Councillor, Sarah Miller to bring some much needed cheer to the town and to raise money for Cancer Research.
A song written for HENLEY, about HENLEY, performed in HENLEY. Raising money for Cancer Research UK.
Get your baubles out and jingle away to this fantastic Christmas song. We guaranteed you’ll LOVE IT!
Over a year ago Sarah started to write a Christmas song which included some Henley characters and places of interest. She says that she has written many songs but thought a Christmas song would be something very special and as she included her brother, the ex Mayor of Henley (Kellie Hinton) and other known characters, the song began to come alive.
Sarah said that when COVID hit in March this year she had time on her hands to start writing again. She wrote a handful of songs and then picked up the lyrics for the Christmas song and decided now was the time to finally finish it.
During this time she was in touch with an old friend of hers, Peter Maguire, who used to work for her father in Henley. Peter is a musician / singer and has always been very supportive of Sarah. Up until now she hadn’t felt confident enough to share her songs, but a month ago she finished the Christmas song and thought, what the heck, and sent it over to Peter for feedback.
Pete added some magic and sent it back to her. Next stop was to find a vocalist. She wanted somebody local, but with a slightly rocky voice. Matt Richardson a well known local vocalist stepped into the breach, and the rest as she says is history.
“Not only is this song dedicated to my town Henley – it’s also a song that I hope will bring cheer and some happiness to everybody. We have had a particularly tough year, our Henley retailers, pubs and restaurants have suffered huge losses. As we all know one of the hardest hit sectors has been charities, the one closest to my heart is Cancer Research.
I have lost two brothers to Cancer, and I am in remission, my Mother is going undergoing chemotherapy at the moment and I have just heard that the enormously courageous brave little boy Charlie Ilsley lost his fight on Saturday. My co writer Peter Maguire lost his wife to cancer. It’s a terrible disease which will affect one in two people.”

For all the reasons above and many many more they would like to raise as much money for CANCER RESEARCH as they can.
A vaccine for COVID has been found – but not one for Cancer. Please donate.
Come and hear the song LIVE in the Market Place on Saturday 19th December, at 5pm. For one night only.