Henley-on-Thames Celebrates 80th Anniversary of VE Day

Henley-on-Thames is set to celebrate the historic occasion of the 80th anniversary of VE Day in style with a three-day event starting on 8th May, and for the first time ever, Henley Market Place will host a Mark IX Spitfire.
Experience Henley is equally excited and proud to have joined forces with local Councillor Gill Dodds, and Richard Pinches, Chair of the Royal British Legion Henley Poppy Appeal to curate this three-day event from 8th – 10th May for Henley on behalf of the Henley Town Council.
The council is pulling out all the stops for a town wide event inviting residents, businesses and visitors to join in the celebrations with Market Place awash with flags, swags, and bunting to celebrate this historic occasion. Clear your diaries and be prepared for an event to remember.

There are three days of celebration and commemoration of what it was like to live in Henley during World War II. From educating over 120 pupils of what is was like to live in Henley then, stepping back in time with a fully immersive 1940s Dance Hall Experience, to experiencing Henley in wartime where, for the first time ever, Henley Market Place will host a Mark IX Spitfire. Yes, that’s right, how special is that?
At Henley Town Hall on Thursday 8th May children from local primary schools will experience ‘Doing Their Bit, Life on the Home Front’ talk delving into questions such as – Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What did people eat during rationing? They will also experience the sounds and sights of wartime, including bombs, sirens, wartime songs, readings, and recollections, all culminating in a traditional Fish & Chip supper and a ration of sweets!

On Friday 9th May at Henley Town Hall step back in time to wartime Henley and celebrate the end of World War II with DANCE FOR VE DAY, a fully immersive 1940s Dance Hall Experience. This fantastic event is a tribute to the weekly entertainment that the council provided for residents, evacuees, and military personnel stationed in Henley-on-Thames.
Join us for a night of nostalgia with The BIG R 16-piece swing band, Lindy Hop dancers showcasing their moves and teaching steps, and The Old Bell’s 1940s-themed bar serving up cocktails and drinks from the era. The evening will also feature a special address by Sir Winston Churchill.
Dress to impress 1940s style and immerse yourself in the era of wartime Henley. All monies raised will be donated to The Royal British Legion.
For more information and to buy tickets visit Dance For VE Day
If the brilliant dance wasn’t enough, Henley Market Place will host a Mark IX Spitfire on Saturday 10th May. This is your chance to get up close and personal with this iconic aircraft and imagine what it was like to climb into the cockpit for reconnaissance or combat missions.
In addition to the Spitfire and RAF Reenactor Crew, there will be Jeeps and military vehicles on display, along with the 5th Battalion Oxfordshire Home Guard History Group, the Special Operations Executive Living History Demonstration & Display, a fleet of vintage cars including a 1930s Rolls Royce, promenadas and evacuee Children. Stalls, with food & drink, local wartime businesses telling their stories and much more.

Also on Saturday 10th May The Henley Archaeological & Historical Group (HAHG) will be hosting ‘Talks & Walks’ – Exploring Henley during the Second World War.
There will be a seminar Exploring Henley During the Second World War at the River & Rowing Museum from 9.30am – 1pm followed by hourly guided walks around Henley from 2.30pm onwards.
The walks will highlight significant buildings and places such as the Billeting Office, air raid shelters, the British Restaurant and the Hotel for the ‘unbilletable’.
For those unable to join the walks on Saturday, information boards with QR codes will remain in place at each building, allowing everyone to enjoy the walks at their own convenience.

An enormous thank you to Dr. Michael Redley and the Henley Archaeological & Historical Group for their exceptional historical research. Without their invaluable contributions, this celebratory project would not have been possible.
Heartfelt thanks to Henley Town Council and its staff for their generous provision of buildings and Market Place, and for their assistance in facilitating the creation of this memorable event.
Thank you to the very generous sponsors of the event so far: Henley Town Council, The Royal British Legion, The Abbey School, Party Planners, The Old Bell, Hotel du Vin, Davidson J’s Rum and Experience Henley.
Extended thanks goes to: Henley WI, The Henley Society, RAF Benson, The River & Rowing Museum, Tank2, 5bn Oxfordshire Home Guard History Group, ‘Doing Their Bit’, Vintage Days Out, Swiss Farm, Mark Saunders SOE Living History, Hugo Louden, Pamela Leckie…
For more information and to keep up to date with what’s happening visit www.henleyveday.co.uk