National Burger Day…where do you eat yours?

It was National Burger Day yesterday. What a fabulous day to celebrate as we LOVE a burger at EH Towers!
We recently tried out the Sika Burger at Hart Street Tavern and it truly was great. Highly recommended. Super tasty, beautifully seasoned patty, topped with unctuous slow cooked venison shoulder and the right amount of cheese to produce a perfect burger that that the minute you finish, it’s so delicious and moreish you want to eat again!
Where is your favourite place for a burger in Henners? Buddy‘s at the railway station sling out an awesome burger and you can get these delivered to your table at Echoes tap room to enjoy with your beer. Bistro at the Boathouse also have an outstanding burger, many will vouch for that and their ‘Burger Thursdays’. Oh yes!
Who has tried the fantastic burger at The Red Lion in Peppard who correctly use Ogleshield on top of their double patties, which undoubtedly has to be the best burger cheese. This is a truth.
The Little Angel do a great smash burger, The Argyll slings out some pretty hunger beating filled buns. Côte do a cheeky French number and not leaving out The Bull on Bell Street‘s wagyu & pancetta burger.
Whilst we’re at it, the burger in Coppa should not be sniffed at, always a good bet. Cooked nicely pink, seasoned well and darn tasty. Though we always ask for no tomato. A slice of tomato does not belong in a burger!
So where is your go to for a great burger in Henley, or anywhere else for that matter.
Whether you’re a purest for a burger with just beef patties, cheese, sauce and pickles or you like a sky scraper of a feast, meaty, veggie or vegan there’s a burger out there for everyone and one with your name on it. But which is you’re favourite?
Bistro at the Boathouse, The Bull on Bell Street, Côte, The Red Lion and The Little Angel all have discounts and offers on the Experience Henley Card, and Hart Street Tavern‘s offer will land in September. Click here Experience Henley Card, sign up and download the app so that you can Experience Henley more, for less.