Henley’s amphibian mating bonanza

Wildlife filmmaker Tom Hartwell, explains in this film for Woodlands TV about the annual life and death migration of the woodland toads, and the fantastic volunteers who spend their evenings helping the toads and other amphibians make the dangerous journey from their woodland homes to the breeding ponds they themselves were born in.
With thanks to the Henley Toad Patrol volunteers they help keep the local amphibian mating bonanza alive. With a tricky road to cross to get to their mating pool, the volunteers give up their evenings to give a helping hand to toads, frogs and newts by popping them in a bucket and transporting them across the road.
If you’re driving along the Marlow Road and see the bright yellow Toad Patrol road signs and torches flickering about, slow down to let the toads and helpers safely cross the road.
Henley Toad Patrol officially began in 1999, when local volunteers decided to help the migrating toads across the busy A4155, from The Culden Faw Estate.
They have been collecting thousands of toads taken in buckets ever since.