Whatever Next? Lessons from an Unexpected Life

A few remaining tickets left for the Henley Literary Festivals event on November 18th – 2.30pm at Christ Church with Lady Anne Glenconner in conversation with Simon Williams.
One might have expected Lady Anne Glenconner’s 2019 memoir, Lady in Waiting, to consist of the gentle reminiscences of an old lady. Instead it turned out to be an absolute marmalade dropper and became a huge and deserved bestseller. Whatever Next?, the sequel, might just become one too.
India Knight – The Sunday Times
Now in her 90th year, Lady Glenconner has had a life full of fun, excitement and no little tragedy but she is nothing if not resilient. Growing up in the splendour of Holkham Hall as the daughter of the Earl of Leicester, by the age of 25 she had been a maid of honour at the Queen’s coronation and married Lord Glenconner, a union that would last 54 years until his death in 2010.
An international bestseller with Lady in Waiting she joins us for a special post-Festival event here in Henley the day after her much-anticipated new memoir Whatever Next: Lessons from an Unexpected Life is published. Dazzling tales of Mustique, life with her volatile husband and her long friendship with Princess Margaret, for whom she was lady in waiting for over three decades…she has stories to share and a gift for telling them, with her bracing wit and characteristic honesty.
Tickets: £26pp (adult ticket including book) Lady Anne Glenconner – Henley Literary Festival