The Spirit of Drawback Hill from the new Mayor of Henley

Image: The Mayor of Henley, Cllr Sarah Miller (left), her partner Carolyn Ahara and Russell Brand
Some of you may have noticed that there’s a new Mayor in town and not the type of Mayor you would normally imagine. Most people would probably expect a mature chap in a suit, instead we have a young woman in a leopard print trouser suit. Well that’s what she wore at her Mayor Making ceremony under her robe. Not leopard print Bet Lynch style but classy leopard print. Something a bit different. Henley is unique and that’s what we are going to get with this year’s Mayor of Henley, Councillor Sarah Miller.
Sarah has a lot of exciting plans and ideas for Henley where she has lived all her life and now has the opportunity to put her stamp on the town, and it seems to be a pretty positive one of championing a cleaner, greener and plastic free environment, creating places, spaces and events for people to enjoy and supporting the towns shops and businesses.
As well as her Mayoral duties and her full time job at RIBA, Sarah is keeping the world up to date with the day to day happenings in the life of the Henley Mayor with her Instagram account. You’ll find out about her family, deaf Mother, smelly cat and tear away dog Monty. The nitty gritty of life behind the robes and champagne receptions. As well as all this Sarah also has a few surprises under her bushel which she is sometimes, though you wouldn’t think so, shy to share them. One of them being that Sarah is a pretty good songwriter.
Sarah has a passion for music and last year she co-wrote a Henley Song for Christmas and the creativity just keeps coming with a Henley Shanty and has recently showcased a new song about Drawback Hill in Harpsden where she spent her childhood. Many others who have grown up in Henley may not be as fond of Drawback Hill as it was a killer section of youthful school cross country runs!
Anyway, here is The Mayor of Henley, Sarah Miller performing Drawback Hill and we look forward to an exciting year ahead.