Notes from the Larder – Flippin’ excited for spring

Ok. I think it’s fair to say that we are ready for Spring now. Winter, you’ve had your gloomy, icey fun but it’s time for daffodils, hot cross buns and leaping lambs to take the reins.
I sat outside the beautiful iconic building of St Mary’s Church this week. A place synonymous with our fair town and now somewhere I realise is a perfect sunny spot and place to people watch.
I have found myself when the sun does pop his hat on turning towards it like a tortoise or a sunflower soaking up each little ray. Treasuring each sunny moment I have been afforded during these dark months and truly feeling the benefit each time.
The concept of us humans not being ready for new year until the Spring comes around speaks to me loudly. It makes perfect sense for us to hibernate and keep warm and well fed during the chilly times and then break out of our cocoon as the blossom blooms.
I did a little search, as I seem to do every year on the start date of Spring and this year I came across something I found interesting. Firstly the realisation my birthday is in Spring not Summer – I always thought end of May was early Summer – not so my friends – an embarrassing admission for the amount of years I have had a birthday.

Wisteria in Henley-on-Thames
Next up there are at least two opposing dates as to when Spring starts.
Astronomical Spring – starting March 20th this year which is calculated by the position of Earth’s orbit in relation to the Sun, considering equinoxes and solstices.
Meteorological Spring – starting March 1st every year is instead based on the annual temperature cycle and measure the meteorological state, as well as coinciding with the calendar to determine a clear transition between the seasons.
Interesting stuff. When do you Spring forward? Is it perhaps when the clocks change? Well let me give you that date for the diary too while we’re at it which is March 30th this year.
I have pondered these dates and forms and think on balance I am far more drawn to the Astronomical Spring philosophy – how could I not be when so much related to food is based upon these ideas.
Take biodynamic wine as a great example. Since ancient times, in many agricultural traditions and cultures around the world, the position of the moon and the stars has played a decisive role in deciding when to sow, tend the soil, prune, and harvest.

Eating seasonally – Bosley Patch lettuce
The level of skill that our farmers hone over years of practice and following in the fertile footsteps of those who came before promotes that ability & necessity to be reactionary and quite literally move with the seasons, when that might be.
This has been tested and shown time and time again. We are seeing on a worldwide scale natural disasters occurring more and more, affecting communities in all manners of detrimental ways. We are already feeling the pressure and direct effect to our food supply chain as farmers try to adapt to the changing weather patterns, without it seems any real support from our government.
So it turns to us as consumers to do what we can to support. Eating seasonally when we can, supporting local farmers and shopping with businesses that promote & showcase British farmed goods. Then when we can, make our voices heard to do better in ensuring the instrumentally important cog to our lives that is farming, is not only supported, but encouraged and celebrated.
I have been so touched and also sad to see Bosley Patch, Laceys Family Farm and Rectory Farm to name but a few local farmers that headed out to protest over treatment of UK farms these last few months but they shouldn’t have to, something must change.

Lacey’s Farm demonstrating in London
So now that’s been discussed shall I talk about something lighter and my favourite part of the start of Spring?
Pancake Day or shrove Tuesday. This year Tuesday 4th March. I’ll spare you the history lesson on this one as I’m sure you know it.
But with my new found musings on Spring and this idea of coming out of hibernation, happening in line with the position of the sun I think celebrating with a scrumptious day designed to use all your delicious items from the cupboard is a great one.
And while of course its purpose then lies in some abstinence to those that follow there after, let us perhaps after this long old Winter give in to this delicious day without thought of tomorrow for now.
I am a big fan of the classics when it comes to pancakes – lemon and sugar on a crepe style pancake – yes please! However I am not good at making pancakes. There I’ve said it and my husband will attest to it but despite that fact I make some every year and implore you to to not give into pre-made ones or mixes. And the reason why is that taking some local flour (Wessex Mill), local eggs (Stokes Farm) and local milk (Lacey’s Family Farm Shop) and whisking them together is a thing of pure, pure local love that radiates. Even if they don’t look picture perfect every bite will be joyful.

Pancakes with sugar & lemon
And one final thought on Spring before I go, turns out I have quite a lot of Springey subjects on my mind – Spring cleaning. I am a self confessed hoarder however this year me and my lovely neighbours are going to hold a street sale of second hand goodies. One mans trash is another mans treasure so they say. Sunday March 2nd, 11am-3pm Albert Rd RG9 1SD.
Come on down as I will also have some Henley Larder goodies available to buy including Gower Cottage Brownie Butter at a special discounted price – perfect for pancakes.
It also magically ties in with the fabulous The Prelovd Fair starting at Henley Town Hall at 3pm which will have stands as far as the eye can see of gorgeous preloved clothes. What a Sunday you can have!
Zoë xx