New dates for this year’s Henley Women’s Regatta have been announced as 2nd-4th July.
Miriam Luke, Chairman of Henley Women’s Regatta said, ” Following consultation with British Rowing, which is coordinating the rowing competition calendar, we are pleased to confirm that Henley Women’s Regatta has been rescheduled to 2nd-4th July 2021. Running Henley Women’s Regatta on these dates is still completely dependent on the government’s road map out of lockdown following the current schedule. This would see the move to Step 4 on 21st June when social distancing restrictions are planned to be eased. It is also dependant on the Return to Rowing guidance on competitions.
We will now start to work with our multiple stakeholders to determine the size and scale of competition we are able to stage on the Henley stretch at the start of July.
Please put these new dates in your calendar; we look forward to some excellent racing this summer.”
For more information visit www.hwr.org.uk