Cafe Scientifique
Cafe Scientifique is a forum for debating science issues, not a shop window for science. We are committed to promoting engagement with science and to making science accountable.
What is Cafe Scientifique? Cafe Scientifique is a forum for the discussion of current work and interesting scientific issues. Cafes are informal and accessible.
Who else will be there? Cafe audiences are people who are interested in science. Anyone can participate; speakers are there to be questioned and talk about their work at all levels.
What happens at a Cafe Scientifique? Cafes start with a short talk (usually no more than twenty minutes) by the speaker, to introduce the topic. After this there is usually a short break to allow glasses to be refilled and conversations to start. This is followed by an hour or so of questions and answers and general discussion. Anyone can ask a question, and we positively welcome those which begin “This might be a stupid question, but …” These questions are invariably not stupid and often rather insightful.
Under normal circumstances:
Henley on Thames Hockey Club, Reading Rd, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 4HE
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