Coffee shops are not a modern day creation. Did you know that in 1652 the first coffee house was opened down the road in Oxford followed by one in London later that year by an eccentric Greek fella called Pasqua Roseé?
Coffee houses in 17th & 18th Century England were popular places for people from all walks life to go and meet, chat, gossip and have fun whilst enjoying the latest fashion of a new drink that had arrived from Turkey.
Whilst the taste of 17th century coffee was not very palatable, apparently it tasted quite disgusting according to accounts of the time, the caffeine in it and the ‘buzz’ it provided, proved quite addictive! Some things haven’t changed hey, or the popularity of coffee shops but the taste certainly has and Henley boasts many fine places where you can rest and enjoy a cup of coffee, tea and of course a scrumptious cake wouldn’t go amiss!

Henley Piazza
Mill Meadows