A new Delicatessen & Cookery School for Market Place

An application for planning consent for Pavilion Foods Delicatessen & Cookery School has been submitted for the Feather & Black site in Henley Market Place.
Within the application it states that the intention is to provide within the listed building a high-end quality food retail environment to include hot food takeaway and cookery school which will provide private-hire classes to a wide array of customers.
The existing shop floor is to be split in two with a new cookery school in the back area separated by a glazed partition and will include a platform viewing area as well.
The application says “we believe that the integration of the cookery school into the delicatessen on the high street will open up new opportunities for people to engage with these spaces and complement the neighbourhood plan’s intentions to encourage mixed-use developments with a wider mix of shops in the town centre.”
The plans show a seating area and large deli counter with ambient shelving at the front of the building, with an open kitchen area, cooker, rotisserie and oven.
A potentially exciting new offering for Market Place.
To view the application click here