Don’t tell ’em Pike! Flower Pot fish up for sale

Anyone who frequented The Flower Pot at Aston would be familiar with the number of cased fish and taxidermy adorning the walls in the pub and here’s the chance to own a little bit of Henley’s pub history.
Tony Read and Pat Thatcher were landlords of the pub, and Brakspear’s longest serving tenants for 30 years, having hung up their bar mats in September.
The collection curated by landlord Tony Read during the 80’s and 90’s is Britain’s largest private collection of cased fish. Many of the cases are by Cooper & Sons, the most famous name in fish taxidermy.
The outgoing landlord said that if the next landlord doesn’t want them they will go to auction. So here they are and are up for sale tomorrow, November 22nd at Summers Place Auctions’ Evolution auction which includes 88 lots of taxidermy from The Flower Pot pub in Henley-on-Thames.
The mount of three pike dated 1929 (pictured above) is expected to sell for £1000-1500.
To view all auction items and maybe place a bid for your own bit of Henley fishy memorabilia, visit Evolution #natureisart (