American soldiers and Henley Grammar School boys on Henley Bridge, May 1944
Henley is set to celebrate this historic occasion over three days, starting on VE Day itself. The celebrations commence on Thursday, 8th May, with an Education Day where children from local primary schools are invited to Henley Town Hall to learn about the history of VE Day. The day will also feature the flying of the VE Day flag and the lighting of the beacon.
On Friday, 9th May, the Henley Town Hall will host an amazing VE Day 1940s Dance Experience. Enjoy the tunes of The BIG R 16-piece swing band, watch and learn from Lindy Hop dancers, sip on era-appropriate cocktails at The Old Bell’s 1940s themed bar, and hear an address by Sir Winston Churchill.
Saturday, 10th May, will feature ‘Talks & Walks’ by the Henley Archaeological and Historical Group. Market Place will be festooned with flags and bunting, and a Mark IX Spitfire will be on display. A variety of WWII activities and demonstrations will also be available throughout the day.
Anyone who would like to get involved, support or sponsor any part of the VE Day celebrations please get in touch.
Children from local Primary Schools have been invited to learn about and experience life in Henley during World War II. The event will feature talks exploring the experiences of the 700 child evacuees and their teachers who sought refuge in Henley from the London bombings.
This immersive talk will delve into questions such as: Where did they live? Where did they go to school? What did people eat during rationing?
Attendees will also experience the sounds and sights of wartime, including bombs, sirens, wartime songs, readings, and recollections, all culminating in a traditional Fish & Chip supper.
If you would like more information or be involved in the Education Day email
Anyone who would like to get involved, support or sponsor any part of the VE Day celebrations please get in touch below.
Step back in time to wartime Henley and celebrate the end of World War II with a fully immersive 1940s Dance Hall Experience. This fantastic event is a tribute to the weekly entertainment that the council provided for residents, evacuees, and military personnel stationed in Henley-on-Thames.
Join us for a night of nostalgia with The BIG R 16-piece swing band, Lindy Hop dancers showcasing their moves and teaching steps, and The Old Bell’s 1940s-themed bar serving up cocktails and drinks from the era. The evening will also feature a special address by Sir Winston Churchill.
Dress to impress 1940s style and immerse yourself in the era of wartime Henley.
TICKETS: £25 (+ fees) – On sale NOW
This is a ’not for profit’ event and all profits will go to the Henley Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
If you would like more information or be involved in the Dance For VE Day event email
Anyone who would like to get involved, support or sponsor any part of the VE Day celebrations please get in touch.
The Henley Archaeological & Historical Group (HAHG) will be holding a seminar Exploring Henley During the Second World War at the River & Rowing Museum from 9.30am – 1pm followed by hourly guided walks around Henley from 2.30pm onwards.
The walks will highlight significant buildings and places such as the Billeting Office, air raid shelters, the British Restaurant and the Hotel for the ‘unbilletable’.
For those unable to join the walks on Saturday, information boards with QR codes will remain in place at each building, allowing everyone to enjoy the walks at their own convenience.
Both the seminar and the guided walk will be free to members of HA&HG. Tickets for non-members are £10 and will go on sale from 1st April.
Anyone who would like to get involved, support or sponsor any part of the VE Day celebrations please get in touch.
For the first time ever, Henley Market Place will host a Mark IX Spitfire. This is your chance to get up close and personal with this iconic aircraft and imagine what it was like to climb into the cockpit for reconnaissance or combat missions.
The Market Place will be awash with flags, swags, and bunting to celebrate this historic occasion.
In addition to the Spitfire and RAF Reenactor Crew, there will be Jeeps and military vehicles on display, along with the 5th Battalion Oxfordshire Home Guard History Group. Attendees can also enjoy the SOE Living History Demonstration & Display, marvel at a 1930s Rolls Royce, and observe a Promenader with her Evacuee Children. And that’s just the beginning—there’s much more to explore.
A request has been submitted for a flypast by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight – this will be updated in due course.
If you would like more information or be involved in the Experience War Time Henley event email
Anyone who would like to get involved, support or sponsor any part of the VE Day celebrations please get in touch.
Sincere thanks to Councillor Gill Dodds of Henley Town Council, Richard Pinches, Chairman of the Henley Branch of the Royal British Legion, and Philippa Ratcliffe of Experience Henley for curating the three day event on behalf of Henley Town Council.
An enormous thank you to Dr. Michael Redley and the Henley Archaeological & Historical Group for their exceptional historical research. Without their invaluable contributions, this celebratory project would not have been possible.
Heartfelt thanks to Henley Town Council and its staff for their generous provision of buildings and Market Place, and for their assistance in facilitating the creation of this memorable event.
Thank you to our very generous sponsors Henley Town Council, The Royal British Legion, The Abbey School, Party Planners, The Old Bell and Experience Henley.